
Use’s dimension guide and template collection to furnish your online store with attractive photos and graphics.

Size Dimension (inch) Dimension (mm) Dimension (px)
Cover 11.2 x 2.8 in 284.48 x 71.12 mm 3360 x 840 px
Profile Photo 1.33 x 1.33 in 33.87 x 33.87 mm 400 x 400 px
Shop Icon 1.67 x 1.67 in 42.33 x 42.33 mm 500 x 500 px
Shop Banner 2.53 x 0.33 in 64.35 x 8.47 mm 760 x 100 px
Thumbnail 1.9 x 1.52 in 48.26 x 38.61 mm 570 x 456 px
Team Logo 0.57 x 0.33 in 14.39 x 8.47 mm 170 x 100 px
Item Listing 2.67 x 3.33 in 67.73 x 84.67 mm 800 x 1000 px

Etsy enables you to create and upload your own banners, shop icons and personalized image assets.

To leave a lasting impression on your consumers and to keep them interested, you must ensure that the images you upload to your Etsy shop are of the highest quality and size.

Since item listings appear in smaller thumbnails, and will only enlarge once clicked, it is vital that you make sure your image is attractive enough to tempt the users on the website.

Cover photo
The Cover Photo is the largest branding asset available and is featured prominently on your Etsy shop.Your cover photo should ideally be 3360 x 840 pixels to ensure that it is as clear as possible and can have maximum impact on your brand.

Item listing
For best results, your item listing photo should be at least 1000 pixels wide. This is so that when shoppers click the Zoom button, they will be able to see the enlarged image with clarity.

With over forty million items and over a million active sellers to date, Etsy has become a huge e-commerce platform for sellers providing a variety of unique, handmade or vintage goods which it’s important that you are able to stand out from the crowd when you start your own Etsy store.