
Now you can design and share creative content on WeChat with the help of templates from Designs.ai

Size Dimension (inch) Dimension (mm) Dimension (px)
Profile Photo 2.08 x 2.08 in 52.92 x 52.92 mm 199.68 x 199.68 px
Article Preview Header 9.38 x 5.21 in 238.12 x 132.29 mm 900.48 x 500.16 px
Article Preview Thumbnail 4.17 x 4.17 in 105.83 x 105.83 mm 400.32 x 400.32 px
Article Inline Image NaN x 0.00 in NaN x 0.00 mm NaN x 0.00 px

WeChat is a multi-purpose social media and mobile payment app developed by Tencent. It was first launched in 2011 and has become one of the world’s largest standalone mobile apps by 2018 with more than 1 billion active monthly users (902 million active daily).

Also known as China’s “app for anything” and as “super app,” because of it’s wide range of usage on one single platform. Apart from messaging, WeChat allows you to transfer money, order a cab, buy movie tickets, order food, book a train or plane ticket and even invest money in a wealth management plan. Forbes described it as one of the world’s most powerful apps.

With wide range of functions in one single platform and with more than 1 billion active users, businesses and brands should take the opportunity to levearage the app to promote and increase awareness of their businesses and brands.
To distinguish your business from others it is vital to create attractive visual pages, posts and ads. Having said that, it is clearly important to know the elements that can be customized and uploaded on WeChat, along with the best dimension to use.

Profile Photo
As with other social media platforms, profile photo is one of the important element for users to recognize your brand. Recommended to be in square image with dimension of 200 x 200 pixels.

Article Preview Header
The header image spans the top of your account post. It is larger compared to article preview thumbnails images which allows you to be more creative with the image. Recommended size is 900 x 500 pixels and maximum file size is 2MB.

Article Preview Thumbnail
This would be the image that will appear in stream beside the published article. Recommended size is 400 x 400 pixels.

Article Inline Image
This image appears within the article with recommended width size of 400 px. Maximum file size is not more than 2MB.